Each Kyn & Folk gravity-fed benchtop water filter comes with your choice of filter candle. This filter candle is the filtration system used to deliver clean, fresh drinking water. We provide two filter candle options for our ceramic vessels that have been tested through leading World Health Organisations. For an overview of available lab results & resources, visit downloads.

How do our filters work?
Ceramic water filters are one of the oldest and most efficient methods of water filtration. The key to their effectiveness lies in their porous structure, which acts as a barrier between impurities and the water we consume.
Our benchtop water filters provide a convenient solution for filtering tap, tank and bore water, allowing you to enjoy clean drinking water at home.
Doulton Super Sterasyl
The Doulton Super Sterasyl Ceramic Candle is a three-stage cartridge combining the highly efficient filtration properties of ceramic, with the enhanced water treatment properties of activated carbon.
It is a highly efficient ceramic microfilter insert for benchtop water filters that provides genuine sub-micron filtration to your drinking water.

Removal %
The Doulton Super Sterasyl Ceramic Candle is a three stage cartridge combining the highly efficient filtration properties of ceramic, with the enhanced water treatment properties of activated carbon. It is a highly efficient ceramic microfilter insert for benchtop water filters that provides genuine sub micron filtration to your drinking water.
Stage 01.
Ceramic Filtration - the ceramic membrane provides genuine sub-micron filtration of fine particulate matter, bacteria, cysts and turbidity.
Stage 02.
Silver Ions - the incorporation of silver locked within the ceramic structure gives enhanced bacteriostatic and self-sterilising properties, preventing the growth of bacteria.
Stage 03.
Granular Activated Carbon - an inner core of activated carbon removes chlorine and organic compounds.
Filter Capacity
We recommend replacing this cartridge every 6 or 2000L (whichever comes first). The frequency of replacement is subject to your water's local quality and usage. The Doulton Super Sterasyl Filter Candle is imported from England and NSF Certified, making it the ideal filter candle option for filtering your drinking water especially if you are using tank, bore or spring water.
Filter Time:
1L per Hour
UltraCeram™ Fluoride & Heavy Metals
The UltraCeram™ Fluoride Removal Filter Candle combines superior mechanical filtration and physical adsorption processes to filter the widest variety of drinking water contaminants of both aesthetic and health concerns.
The combination of ultra-fine ceramic and quality carbon block guarantees absolute sub-micron filtration, superior removal of contaminants and great-tasting drinking water.

Removal %
The UltraCeram™ Fluoride & Heavy Metals Filter Candle combines mechanical filtration and physical adsorption processes to filter a wide variety of drinking water contaminants of both aesthetic and health concerns. The combination of ultra-fine ceramic and quality carbon block guarantees absolute sub-micron filtration, superior removal of contaminants and great tasting drinking water.
Stage 01:
The NSF-tested and certified ceramic outer shell provides sub-micron absolute filtration. Removing sediment, bacteria and parasites.
Stage 02:
Impregnated with silver(Ag) ions the ceramic media has enhanced bacteriostatic and self-sterilising properties inhibiting bacteria growth
Stage 03:
An inner core of activated carbon(C) alongisde other absorbant materials remove fluoride(F), chlorine(Ci), organic compounds, chloramines and heavy metals.
Filter Capacity:
We recommend replacing this cartridge every 6 or 2000L (whichever comes first). The frequency of replacement is subject to your water's local quality and usage. The UltraCeram™ Fluoride Removal Filter Candle is imported from England and NSF Certified, making it an ideal filter candle option for filtering your drinking water.
Filter Time:
1L per Hour
Video Assembly
How do our filters work?
Everything you need to set up your benchtop water filter will come included in your purchase.
Our filters are designed to require no tools, plumbing or electricity to assemble, and can be put together with a few simple steps.