Studio Sounds VOL. 03 - Lily Johannah

Creating from a humble studio on her 50-acre, off-the-grid farm on the far south coast of NSW, Lily Johannah is a painter and artist with a lifelong love of colour.
For Lily, creation has become a necessary part of everyday life. Her formative years spent playing with watercolours as a child have translated into the mediums she now works with today - watercolour, gouache, acrylic, house paints, crayon, pen and pencil.

Image by Honey Atkinson
Lily's exploration of colour and distinctive palettes have become a patent marking of her work. Combining hues of blue, pink and yellow in a way that somehow has the power to shift and evoke certain moods so beautifully.
As for what’s soundtracking her creations, Lily reflects on the role music plays in both her artistic work, as well as her and her family's lives.
Studio Sounds Vol.03 curated by painter and artist, Lily Johannah.
Now, as a mum, there is always something playing in the background of whatever I’m doing; cooking, gardening, cleaning, working, running along dirt roads or playing outside with the kids.
At the beginning of the year, I joined a local choir and it’s my favourite part of my week. My teacher says that “singing in a choir is the purest form of meditation. You have to listen to one another, breathe together and there’s no space for wandering thoughts”.
I have a deep desire for my boys to grow up with music as a background to the chapters of their lives, to hear it, to make it, and to know how it can make them feel. I’ve recently been taking my eldest son to see live music and it’s been the most beautiful thing to watch his mind expand as he realises the possibilities that the world can bring.
The songs I’ve shared here are a selection from my “studio” playlist, an ever-growing list of generally calm songs, that hit me deep in the heart and remind me of early mornings looking out my studio window to wallaby babies peaking out of pouches amongst the lomandra and first light bird calls.
Enjoy Lily’s current studio mix of generally calming songs, reminiscent of early mornings in her beautiful bushland studio; Studio Sounds Vol. 03 by Lily Johannah.
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